Brainstorming A Dissertation Topic – 10 Things That You Must Avoid


Brainstorming A Dissertation Topic

Brainstorming a dissertation topic helps to select and develop an approach using different concepts and mind mapping. Selecting a topic can be a complex process when starting a dissertation topic. It can help to break down the specific topic into subtopics and find it interesting. Good dissertation brainstorming may include thinking, reading, talking and knowing about your area of interest. To capture the idea, critique, discussion, and selection are the ways that can be used for the brainstorming of a dissertation topic.

What Are The Ten Things You Need To Avoid Brainstorming A Dissertation Topic?

  1. Don’t be too narrow
  2. Don’t be too broad
  3. Lack of clustering
  4. Lack of follow and evaluation
  5. Lack of proper planning or time scheduling
  6. Don’t use others’ ideas and select something different
  7. Don’t be too vague
  8. Lack of clarity of research problem
  9. Lack of precision
  10. Don’t be disorganised

Don’t Be Too Narrow

A common mistake students make while brainstorming a dissertation topic is to make it so broad or narrow. It is a mistake that should be avoided by adding the relevant issues and with cause and effects that the dissertation would discuss. The too-narrow topic also makes it difficult to specify the research and the associated concerns.

Don’t Be Too Broad

A mistake students make while brainstorming a dissertation topic is to make it so broad. It is a thing that should be avoided by adding relevant concerns. A topic too broad cannot be effectively managed when there is a need to review the literature with too many different perspectives.

Lack Of Clustering

A mistake that should be avoided in brainstorming a dissertation topic is not making clusters. Clustering is a brainstorming technique that focuses on ideas and brain mapping. It organises and lists the related ideas and concepts in the brainstorming of the dissertation topic. Clustering and mapping are essential for the brainstorming of the dissertation topic.

Lack Of Follow And Evaluation

Follow-through allows people to think more clearly and without judgement. It encourages ongoing collaboration and open ideas to solve problems and make innovative concepts. Lack of follow-through in brainstorming a dissertation topic is a mistake that students make and should be avoided. You should organise the concepts or ideas and evaluate them. The evaluation is necessary to address the things or issues for work.

Lack Of Proper Planning Or Time Scheduling

Your research or dissertation topic will take many months or weeks to complete. Therefore, it is essential to choose an interesting research topic. Proper planning or schedule is necessary for brainstorming a dissertation topic as it allows us to effectively discuss the ideas or concepts in a mannered way. The common mistake students make while brainstorming a dissertation topic is not planning properly, but it should be avoided.

Don’t Use Others’ Ideas And Select Something Different

It is essential to choose a unique topic for your dissertation and to ensure the opportunity to carry out the research and draw conclusions. Using other ideas or concepts in brainstorming the dissertation topic does not make it credible and worthy. It should be ignored, and you should always select a unique dissertation topic with relevant sources of clear information and knowledge. To develop a good topic, you can also get dissertation writers’ help from a reliable company like Affordable Dissertation UK.

Don’t Be Too Vague

A research or dissertation topic must not be vague because it is considered an additional risk. It should be useful academic work that contributes to the construction of research. The easiest method to avoid vagueness in the dissertation is to ensure that you are specific and clear about what you are referring to. It is also about considering the accomplishments to use for the descriptions and reducing inconsistency.

Lack Of Clarity Of Research Problem

You should be clear about your dissertation topic. The clarity of the research topics involves the uncommon abbreviation, references and avoiding jargon. So, The clarity of a dissertation topic is important for the reader’s perspective and helps him understand. The clarity in the research problem is essential if you want to understand the context properly. Clarifying the research problem while brainstorming a dissertation topic also provides logical grounds to explore any phenomenon.

Lack Of Precision

Students make mistakes when there is a lack of precision in the dissertation topic. It should be avoided, and there is a need to select the words carefully and precisely. The precision of the research topic helps to communicate the exact meaning of the study. The precision in the dissertation topic is necessary as the reader needs to know exactly what you are trying to accomplish in your dissertation. It gives a specific claim about a research study and focuses on evidence.

Don’t Be Disorganised

Select a dissertation topic you find interesting and then organise it with variables. A disorganised dissertation topic finds it hard to comprehend and also lacks clarity. It is a mistake that should be ignored in brainstorming a dissertation topic. Disorganised variables make it less interesting to attract the reader.


It concludes that brainstorming helps to choose the topic and develops an approach using different concepts and ideas. Brainstorming a dissertation topic can help to break down the specific topic into subtopics and find it interesting. Various mistakes should be avoided in the dissertation topic, such as lack of clustering, not using others’ ideas and selecting something unique, lack of evaluation, too broad or vague topics and lack of clarity of the research problem.

Lack of precision in the dissertation topic is a major mistake in Brainstorming a dissertation topic. It should be avoided, and there is a need to select the words precisely. It helps to communicate the exact meaning of the research. These common things must be ignored in the brainstorming of the dissertation topics.


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