The Mini-Hajj: The Religious History Of Umrah



The first Umrah was carried out by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his 2000 disciples in 629 CE, marking the beginning of Umrah. Devoted Muslims endured numerous battles, compromises, and even sacrifices before the first pilgrimage was completed.

Umrah, often known as a “small pilgrimage,” is an Islamic journey to Makkah, the holiest city in Islam and located in Saudi Arabia’s Hejazi region. It is the second-most important religious pilgrimage for Muslims and is open throughout the year, except for the days of Hajj. Umrah, one of the most revered forms of worshiping Allah, is going to the Kaaba and engaging in specific religious ceremonies.

However, according to conventional Muslim traditions, Muslims were not permitted to perform the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages or enter Makkah’s holy site. At that time, Makkah was occupied by Arab Pagans who performed idol worship there. According to these reports, Muslims sought to enter Makkah for the Hajj and Umrah since the former was required by the Quran throughout the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).This miniature hajj is performed by Mataf Travels using their privileged 5 star ramadan umrah packages. Let’s explore this Islamic pilgrimage’s history in more detail, including the costs and hardships it included.

The Spiritual Background of Umrah

The history of Umrah begins in 622 CE when Muslims from Makkah under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fled to Madinah to flee persecution by unbelievers, Arab pagans, and local officials. Prophet Muhammad finished his Hegira (the trip from Makkah to Madinah) on September 24, 622 CE, which is considered the start of Year 1 in the Islamic calendar. However, the Muslims’ top priorities remained to conduct Umrah and return to their home country.

Tensions increased between Muslims who wished to make pilgrimages and the Pagans who were occupying Makkah in 628 CE. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his 1400 followers traveled to Makkah in response to a dream in which he was performing the Umrah procedures. When the people of Makkah learned that a large group of Muslims was heading toward their city, they were worried that the Muslims may assault Makkah and the people who lived there. When the Prophet Muhammad reached the boundaries of Makkah, he dispatched an agent to the Makkans to allay their fears and inform them that he merely planned to do Umrah and depart quietly. The Qurayshites at Hudaybiyyah, however, halted them and forbade them entry, telling them to return the following year to complete Umrah.

Diplomatic negotiations began when Prophet Muhammad declined to enter Makkah by force out of respect for the sacred Kaaba. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which was the result of these discussions, provided that there would be no fighting for ten years and that Muslims would be permitted access to the Kaaba for three days each year. So, without doing Umrah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers were forced to return home.

The First Umrah Pilgrimage

The first Umrah pilgrimage was carried out by Prophet Muhammad and his 2000 followers the following year, in 629 CE, per the conditions of the Hudaybiyyah contract. Three days were required for the first Umrah. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his supporters were attacked by Makkan allies, which led to the deaths of some Muslims, and the peace treaty was broken within two years. Muhammad renounced the agreement after the killings because the treaty was meant to stop the bloodshed.

Muslims had become a powerful force at that point. Prophet Muhammad commanded and oversaw the capture of Mecca in 630 CE. The rulers of Makkah’s residents submitted after he led an army of over 10,000 Muslims there. Muhammad pardoned the Makkans who had harmed and fought against the early Muslims after the change of power. This triumph is known as the “Succession of Makkah.”

The Value of Making an Umrah

The fact that Umrah’s history is filled with numerous religious conflicts and warfare proves that the pilgrimage has always been of utmost importance. For individuals who cannot undertake the Hajj journey for any reason, it is a direct Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is frequently referred to as a spiritual “quick fix.”The ideal way for Muslims to pray for all of their needs, ask for pardon for their transgressions, and renew their faith is through umrah. It is claimed that undertaking Umrah purifies the mind, body, and soul and atones for all sins, and for doing so you can refer to Mataf travels. Pilgrims have the chance to enter Allah’s home as guests when doing the Umrah. Many pilgrims report feeling calm and at ease while traveling for religious purposes and being able to feel Allah’s blessings.

Umrah is the same as carrying out jihad, and the benefits of undertaking Umrah during Ramadan are the same as those of Hajj. It further improves a person’s confidence in the almighty Allah because the Prophet Muhammad made people aware of the advantages of conducting Umrah. Additionally, pilgrims receive atonement for their sins and are spared from the fires of hell for their bad deeds. Even if there are numerous advantages, making Umrah is a divine experience in and of itself. Millions of pilgrims travel to Makkah to accomplish this small pilgrimage and religious tour in Islam. Due to the holiness of the month and the journey, the number of pilgrims significantly increases throughout the month of Ramadan.

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